Kevin Karner

Sr Loan Officer | NMLS: 1009680

What's Really Going On In the Market? Get Real Answers From Your Local Mortgage Advisor

Confused by real estate and mortgage news headlines? Learn where to find honest advice and guidance for all your mortgage questions.
Dec 28, 2022

If you're thinking about buying a home, investing in real estate, or getting a home equity loan, you're probably keeping a close eye on the news headlines. After all, it's essential to know what's going on with home prices, interest rates, mortgage regulation updates, housing supply, and more. 

But as accessible as new is, knowing what's accurate or relevant isn't easy, especially considering how sensationalized headlines need to be to get readers to click. 

After all, clickbait headlines aren't unique to the entertainment or news industries. Sensational or doom-predicting headlines permeate every industry, including real estate and mortgage.

Even traditional media can be unclear. Even when the information is accurate, it can be difficult to discern how it applies to your decision-making. Unfortunately, that often results in real estate decisions being made by fear, uncertainty, or doubt. Not a solid place to be when dealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars, your investment portfolio, and possibly your savings.

It doesn't have to be that way!

When you need to separate fact from fiction and get the answers, lean on our expertise --your local mortgage professional.

A locally-based, trusted expert mortgage professional is, hands down, your best resource for understanding what's happening both national and local markets.

As your mortgage pro, we quickly debunk the false headlines and, using our in-depth knowledge of the industry, provide context to help you understand how current trends compare to the typical real estate cycles, historical data, and big-picture relevance.

To ensure you have the complete picture, we'll inform you whether your local area is following national trends or if things are shifting differently in our local area. Then, we'll use that information together to help you make the best possible decision.

After all, making a move, like buying a home, is a life-changing milestone. It should be something you feel informed about, assured in, and excited about! 

We can help make it happen.

Have questions about news headlines or what's happening in the housing market today? We have honest and thorough answers! Connect with us today and gain the expert insight you need to mortgage confidently! 

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.